
Il sole si ferma. Quanto è impensabile al giorno d’oggi che il sole si possa fermare e noi no? Eppure c’è, quel giorno all’anno, dove il sole si blocca, creando un istante che sembra durare un’eternità, fondendoci con essa. Young Art Hunters attraverso le opere di quattro artisti internazionali vuole fermarsi col sole, omaggiando la stagione estiva con i suoi colori più vividi macchiati da una nostalgia quasi esoterica che ci cattura ed eleva ad un livello sempre più alto. Vogliamo ammirarlo, celebrarlo e insieme festeggiare quel momento, sentendo il lungo battito del cuore del mondo finché il cielo si tinge di rosa, rosso e d’oro e la stella comincia il ritorno verso l’inverno.
Artists on display
Luigi Francischello – Paolo Gila – Margot Mari – The Passenger


Luigi Francischello

The Passenger

Margot Mari

Paolo Gila

Paolo Gila

Beneath the Surface Post 5

Beneath the surface


Beneath the surface is an exhibition dedicated to the Global Artelier 21 collective, a group of women artists from Australia, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. 
 A close-knit group born with the intention of bringing a breath of fresh air, a new way to express themselves through intrinsic and intuitive art.

Just as in life, first impressions do not always reflect what is around us, we need to explore deeper to understand what is hidden from our eyes. One needs to look beneath the surface to reveal the true nature of creation, to descend into the depths to truly know its history

The works of art presented are inspired by the layers of life, our past, present and future, an excursus into the lives of the artists on display, a laying bare suitable only for those who know and are ready to see beyond all these veils.

Artists on display

Maite Agahnia – Carla Cohen – Siobhan Cox-Carlos – Lisa Metcalfe – Belinda Persoglia – Lynette Reed – Lorraine Streatfield – Mary Claire Tillotson –  Julia Weston


Siobhan Cox-Carlos


m.t. on canvas


Belinda Persoglia

Kalaranka dreaming

acrylic on canvas


Lynette Reed


acrylic on canvas


Lisa Metcalfe


m.t. on canvas


Mary Claire Tillotson

Twilight sorcery I II

acrylic on canvas

50x50cm cada uno

Lorraine Streatfield

Tiny miracles

m.t. on canvas


Maite Agahnia

Watching from the bench

m.t. on canvas


Carla Cohen

Give and take

m.t. on board


Julia Weston

Feel it all

m.t. on paper


Exhibition by YAH – Young Art Hunters Association E.T.S.

YAH Open Day


H. 11 – 19

Young Art Hunters is pleased to invite you to its first open day dedicated to all emerging artists, our staff will be there to welcome you and explain what it means to be one of the artists represented by Young Art Hunters and the benefits, news and modalities of the 2023 membership.

During the day you will also be able to talk to some of our YAH artists who will be present to answer your questions and curiosities.

We ask each artist to bring a portfolio in physical or digital format in order to allow us to get to know you and your work better. 

The entrance is free, so we look forward to see you there!


MON     closed

TUE     11-14  15-19

WED     11-14  15-19

THU     11-14  15-19

FRI     11-14  15-19

SAT     11-14  15-19

SUN     closed



Locandina quadrata Percorsi






Percorsi è la prima mostra personale dell’artista Laura Visintin organizzata dall’Associazione d’arte
Young Art Hunters in collaborazione con Spazio Archimede 43.
La mostra si compone di 16 fotografie della collezione personale dell’artista, interamente inedite e pronte ad
essere condivise con il pubblico per la prima volta in assoluto.

“Ho sempre fotografato per me stessa, ma a questo punto della mia vita volevo condividere viaggi e
momenti ed ecco l’idea di Percorsi, alcuni viaggi, alcuni scatti che hanno suscitato in me delle emozioni,
delle riflessioni, quindi momenti di vita […] momenti di viaggio […] le foto di Percorsi risuonano in qualcosa che
mi appartiene, qualcosa che sono. Quando ho scelto i titoli ho capito quanto mi rappresentassero e ho
lasciato volutamente una seconda riga vuota perché ognuno possa scegliere il proprio titolo ed identificarsi
come ho fatto io.”

Periferie della mente - POST INSTA

Periferie Della Mente

Niccolò Misrachi


Periferie Della Mente

in collaboration with

The exhibition, consisting of ten new paintings, becomes a moment of reflection for the viewer, a series of questions about existence and its potential. The artist offers a therapeutic vision of rich understanding towards the elusive concept of impermanence, observed from the point of view of the city that must always be renewed as in a cycle, valuing decaying parts to give them new life.

Periferie della mente I

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente II

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente III

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente IV

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente V

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente VI

M.t. on board

30×30 cm


Periferie della mente VII

M.t. on board

30×30 cm


Periferie della mente VIII

M.t. on board

80×60 cm

Periferie della mente IX

M.t. on board

30×30 cm


Periferie della mente X

M.t. on board

40×40 cm

Shock in my town Locandina quadrata

Shock In My Town


Through the words of the great Italian artist Franco Battiato, who died a year ago, Young Art Hunters presents 'Shock in my town', an exhibition dedicated to the young promises of photography in the center of Milan. The exhibition is a tribute to the late master and food for thought for all his viewers: a glimpse into the world around us seen through the eyes of young people between hopes, worries and a strong desire for change.